A boutique consultancy working with organisations to change the way they engage with their people. Committed to partnering with executives in order to optimize performance and deliver on strategic results while building successful, sustainable and satisfying workplaces
We do this primarily through coaching leaders, facilitating relationships, and shifting culture, so that people are engaged and connected. The benefits are real!
- Teams that focus on strengths every day have 12.5% greater productivity
- Gallup’s latest meta-analysis of business units in the top quartile of employee engagement show results as follows
- 21% more profitable,
- 17% more productive,
- 10% better customer ratings
- 41% less absenteeism
- 70% fewer safety incidents when compared with business units in the bottom quartile
Engagement Matters
All of our interventions are focused on skills mastery in three pivotal areas
Managing Self
- enhanced EQ
- self awareness
- self management
- values alignment
- resilience
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Accelerating team performance through high quality conversations, accountability and improved co-operation. By focusing on strengths there’s an opportunity for teams to become greater than their individual parts.
Working with Others
- building trust
- asking great questions
- listening curiously
- behaving flexibly, whilst staying connected to core values (authenticity)
Interested …. we have workshops
Creating and sustaining conditions suitable for growth through cultivating habits which foster engagement, drive performance and reflect organizational values. A culture which supports the creation of a legacy
Enabling Environment
- authority and accountability
- giving helpful feedback
- running brilliant meetings
- effectively working with conflict
- values driven decision making
Interested …. we can do a healthcheck
Executive Coaching
Leadership coaching which provides consistent opportunities for executives to take real time out to improve the quality of their thinking.
Coaching provides an ideal mechanism for optimizing perfromance and delivering on strategic results as it allows for very specific and individual development. In addition coaching supports long term and sustainable change since the building of rapport, use of reflective language and a facilitative style has been shown to increase neuroplasticity within coached individuals. The creation of an anchored learning state can have a profound impact on those who are prepared to engage in the coaching process.
Base Camp
The quality of management in an organisation is one of the key contributors to organisational performance and staff engagement – or in the case of poor management, disengagement.
Base Camp is an unique, impactful intervention which provides new and more experienced managers with fundamental skills and knowledge to better manage themselves, their staff and their environment.
Base Camp is a powerful combination of workshops supported by one on one coaching which provides a foundation from which emerging leaders can begin to dynamically engage with the organisation.
Health Check
An organisational heath check conducted as a series of one-on-one and group interviews.
This process provides not just the quantitative data provided by electronic surveys but real qualitative data which drills down to cause and not just effect.
This bespoke intervention allows organisations to contribute to the development of questions relevant to their needs.